Thursday, February 19, 2015


Oopsie! Find some spider webs here in my blog. Hehe.. Sorry, readers I don't do blog lately, but really I still have my phone to capture the interesting moment to tell it on blog but just no time. Cliche. LOL. This time I wanna show you a good place to eat. Have you heard about a new Mexican restaurant in Tebet, called Taco Cantina? I found this little restaurant accidentally, when I and a friend of mine were terribly hungry, and confused to decide the place for having our lunch,  and tadaaa.. god just like show the way LOL.  I went here in Christmas last year, so the decoration was full with the flags of "FELIZ NAVIDAD" or merry Christmas in Spanish. And yes, you caught me that I've postpone this post really really long time, literally almost 2 months. I know it's been a long time, kinda an expired post. Sorry, because I just having my time to blogging right now. But still, it's a nice place, so I still want to post it. Ok, chop chop! Let's take a tour!

Even it just a little restaurant, this restaurant absolutely got so much attention of mine with its color and uniqueness. Who don't? So, we just parked the car outside the restaurant and went inside.

And inside was more incredible! I couldn't stop capturing every spot of it until we forgot to order some foods.

Voila! le menu.. I ordered Quesadillas. It was nice, even the size is not big enough (for the hungry me) because I'm a monster plus I'm a hungry monster--FYI, I didn't eat my breakfast that morning-- and a little pieces of quesadillas weren't satisfy my tummy, but just my mouth. But sorry, I don't have any photos of quesadillas because we were just totally hungry and immediately ate them up.

I just have a photo of taco ice cream. Totally love it!! Must try!

Let me introduce you to Dara. My-eat-partner-the-trouble-maker-but-still-love-her-to-death

Hasta Pronto! Ciao Bella!